Why is a Consultation Important

A consultation for clients is a great way to establish a relationship from the start. This client consultation meeting is also important because it helps clarify what they would like to get out of their photography session and is a perfect time to collaborate together.

Why is a client consultation meeting so important? A number of reasons:

  • It’s a good way to make sure everyone is on the same page. During the consultation we brainstorm ideas to bring your vision into reality. We discuss what is and what is not possible.

  • We lay out the plan for the session. A client consultation meeting is where we discuss clothing ideas, backdrop options, and conceptualize the vision for the session

  • We avoid any potential problems. Keeping the conversation going about what you can expect during your session helps to maximize our time together. When you know what will happen and what to expect it avoids confusion.

  • It saves us time. Having a consultation and collaborating together saves us both time and avoids back and forth emails.

  • It breaks the ice. If you’re nervous about your photography session, a consultation helps to answer any questions you might have and ease your fears.

  • It makes the day of your photo session so much more fun. When you know what to expect and can visualize the end result things go much smoother on the day of your session. You can relax and have fun because trust has been established.

In a nutshell, a client consultation is crucial because it helps us get to know each other, and it helps the photographer know how to best meet the needs of the client. Meeting the needs of the client is how we can ensure an Amazing Portrait Session.


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